One year at garage33

As we have already announced, we would like to tell you about our time at the “garage33.” You have no idea about garage33 so far? Well, we will change that now. 😊
The garage33 is part of the University of Paderborn. Affiliated to the chair of Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst and the Technology Transfer & Business Start-up Center of the University of Paderborn (TecUP), it supports university members in their professional self-employment. For this purpose, the team around Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst offers start-ups their own “garages” (small offices in an industrial style, which are intended to convey the spirit of garage start-ups in the Silicon Valley), event areas and a large co-working space. The quarter is located not far from the university campus in the Technology Park of Paderborn.
In addition to numerous networking events, the garage33 also offers exceptional funding opportunities. Our personal favorite is the regular start-up coaching, which includes all components (such as marketing, sales, organization, etc.) of a company, and also deals with questions concerning the company’s further development.
We moved in just under a year ago in April 2019 after winning the “START-UP-Hochschul-Ausgründungen NRW” funding prize the year before (a separate report on our experiences will follow shortly). During this time we felt very comfortable in the relaxed loft atmosphere because contacts to other startups are established very quickly.
When we look back, two events in particular have remained in our memory. One was the Commerzbank AG event “What’s up to be” in July 2019, where we exhibited for the first time and were able to talk directly to private corporate customers. Already as a prototype, edelsprint was able to convince here, so that we were happy to receive several inquiries for demonstrations and interest in our Scrum coaching offer.
On the other hand, there was the “OWL Startup Pitch” in October of the same year, which was organized as a cooperation event between garage33 and Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold. The diverse audience consisted of decision makers, business angels, venture capitalists, and regional entrepreneurs.
At this event, we realized how great the interest in our application actually is. On the one hand, after our pitch, several potential investors showed interest in our company in the course of the following days. On the other hand, we were able to engage with well-known companies that would like to try out edelsprint.
Today, one year later, we are about to launch edelsprint on the market and offer it to the masses. This year we have achieved a lot and slowly but surely steered our startup in the right direction. We are very satisfied with our time at the garage33 and would like to take this opportunity to thank the team for supporting us and helping us with questions.
We hope you enjoyed this short report. If you would like to know more about our future development, please subscribe to our newsletter.