Our Vision

“We want to enable teams to access the full potential of Scrum!”
Why this vision is so important to us, we would like to explain to you briefly in this article.
Agility is on everybody’s lips these days. The possibilities to react flexibly to change requests, to deliver partial results in short intervals, and the fast gathering of feedback speak for themselves.
However, in the course of our several years of research, which we will present to you in the next article, we noticed early on that small deviations from the principles of agile development can build up to really big problems. A lack of trust among each other, bad planning, insufficient communication, inefficient working, or team members who feel they have to withhold their feedback because they are afraid that their mistakes will have consequences. The list is unlimited. In summary, we can say that we have seen countless projects in which agility was only apparently introduced but by no means actually lived.
Especially with regard to Scrum—by far the most frequently used framework for organizing agile projects—there are unfortunately always clear mistakes in the implementation. As the inventors of Scrum themselves say:
„Scrum is simple to understand, difficult to master“
But why is that? Simply put: In Scrum there are many individual elements that depend on each other. Basically there are many gears that have to mesh perfectly. When they do, they can really do great things. For example, experts assume that projects are ten times faster, four times cheaper and six times more likely to succeed if Scrum is implemented optimally.
However, many teams do not exploit this incredible potential. Some gear wheel might lock (usually even several at once) and this has an effect on all others, which means that the whole process does not run smoothly. But isn’t there any help?
Yes, there is, in the form of Scrum coachings, which can help a team to identify their individual weaknesses. The problem is that very few teams can afford external coaching and, in addition, it takes a certain amount of time until measures are developed, introduced and understood by everyone.
With edelsprint we would like to start much earlier and offer a solution for project organization that accompanies teams in “mastering” Scrum from the beginning and continuously raises their agility to a new level. Because unlike existing tools, edelsprint offers simple support for all elements of Scrum. All artifacts as well as all events of a sprint are optimized for ease of use because using a tool should not distract an agile team. On the contrary: edelsprint even promotes your communication within the team because we make sure that not everything is moved to the digital world. Above all, edelsprint offers active help to recognize problems early and independently and thus enables to tap the full potential of Scrum and your team.
Does that sound exciting? We think so too. If you want us to keep you up to date about our development, please subscribe to our newsletter.